Andreucetti Design Studios Blog

Solo Exhibition Update

Written by Richard Andreucetti | Sep 22, 2023 10:11:19 AM

My exhibition is well underway and I am delighted to say it's a great experience meeting people and chatting about my work and my process of creation.

A large selection of my works are on display at the Clare Museum Ennis as part of my solo exhibition titled: The Living Metal Exhibition.

You will see first hand the results of using salvaged metal as a medium to represent Celtic and Natural Geometric creations presented in extreme abstract forms. My enthusiasm stems from my ambition to reform various prepossessing materials into living pieces hence, the title of the exhibition.

The use of traditional metal and timber carving techniques using hand tools and thermal processes to shape my works into contemporary art forms, sometimes geometrical and sometimes in a very chaotic style will be clarified as per the works on display.

Many thanks
